Linkdragon Order's Oath "Re:S"

Card No. 10th/0019EN Card Type Spell
World Ancient World Attribute Linkdragon Order / Enhance
Size Defense
Critical Power
Ability/Effect ■[Cast Cost][Pay 1 gauge & Drop the top three cards of your deck]
■Choose and use one of the following two. You may only cast "Linkdragon Order's Oath "Re:S"" once per turn.
・[Counter][Stand] all cards on your field. Then, for this turn, all cards on your field can also attack during the final phase.
・Put this card and up to one card from your drop zone into the soul of a monster on your field. If you put into the soul of a 《Linkdragon Order》, draw two cards.
■If this card is in the soul of a monster, that card gets [Soulguard].
Flavor Text
Illustrator greemie inc.