Dimension Dragon, Zorune

Dimension Dragon, Zorune

Card No. S-BT01A-CP01/0054EN Card Type
World Dragon World Attribute Dimension Dragon
Size 3 Defense 6000
Critical 2 Power 7000
Ability/Effect ■ [Call Cost] [Put a card from your drop zone into its soul & Pay 1 gauge]
■ 【Act】 You may drop a 《Dimension Dragon》 from your hand. If you do, look at the top three cards of your deck, and put them on top of your deck in any order. Then, draw a card. You may only use this ability once per turn.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]
Flavor Text F U N… F U N … D E S T R O Y ! ! !
Illustrator 前河悠一