Hyakurai Vortex

Hyakurai Vortex

Card No. S-BT02A-UB04/0058EN Card Type Spell
World Attribute Hundred Demons
Size Defense
Critical Power
Ability/Effect ■ [Set] (This card remains on the field)
■ The abilities of all 《Hundred Demons》on your field cannot be nullified and their souls cannot be dropped by your opponent's card effects.
■ When your opponent is dealt damage by your card effects, put the top card of your deck into your gauge, you gain 1 life, and draw a card. This ability only activates once per turn.
■ You may only [Set] one "Hyakurai Vortex" on your field.
Flavor Text Once the chain of lightning is roused, the captured enemies will never escape.
Illustrator Nk+