Right Arm of the Earth, Ground Rightes

Right Arm of the Earth, Ground Rightes

Card No. S-CBT03/0014EN Card Type Monster
World Ancient World Attribute Genesis Dragon
Size 0 Defense 5000
Critical 3 Power 15000
Ability/Effect ■ You may only call this card on the right, and if "Great Dragon of Genesis, Bigbang Dragon" is on your field.
■ [Call Cost] [When a《Genesis Dragon》monster on your field is put to drop zone, put three cards from your drop zone into its soul]
■ All《Genesis Dragon》monsters on your field cannot be returned to hand and their souls cannot be dropped by your opponent's card effects.
[Triple Attack] [Soulguard]
Flavor Text With the blessing of the earth, the right arm of genesis crushes ruthlessly.
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