Venom Dallol Swamp

Venom Dallol Swamp

Card No. S-SS01A-SP02/0051EN Card Type Spell
World Darkness Dragon World Attribute Darkvenom Dragon / Swamp
Size Defense
Critical Power
Ability/Effect ■ [Set] (This card remains on the field)
■ This card and all《Darkvenom Dragon》monsters on your field cannot be destroyed or returned to hand or [Rest] by your opponent's card effects.
■ When "Venom Swamp" on your field is destroyed, drop up to three cards from the top of your opponent's deck. This ability only activates once per turn.
Flavor Text Happiness exists because of unhappiness. We consume the unfortunate itself as energy. That's why we are very happy now.
Illustrator 真時未砂