Mirror Hero, Caardian "THE END OVER!!"

Mirror Hero, Caardian "THE END OVER!!"

Card No. S-UB05/0060EN Card Type Impact Monster
World Hero World Attribute Superhero / Super Warrior
Size   Defense 5000
Critical 2 Power 15000
Ability/Effect ■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
■ If you are [Transform] into a card, damage you take are reduced by 2.
■ 【Counter】【Act】During each player's attack phase and final phase, choose a card on your opponent's field, and you may drop a《Superhero》or《Super Warrior》from your hand. If you dropped, drop all souls from the chosen card, and destroy it. You may only use this ability once per turn.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard] [Impact Transform][Put it on top of a《Superhero》you are [Transform] into & Pay 2 gauge]
Flavor Text As long as the steely will exists! I'll be invincible!! And I'll never let you do as you wish!!
Illustrator 藤原ひさし