Immortal Sword of the King, Durandal

Immortal Sword of the King, Durandal

Card No. X-BT02/BR03EN Card Type Item
World Legend World Attribute Hero / Weapon
Size 0 Defense 0
Critical 2 Power 7000
Ability/Effect ■ This card can be your buddy!
■ [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
■ [Counter] 【Act】 "Hand of the King" If you have an item with "Sword of the King" in its card name equipped, equip this card from your hand by paying its [Equip Cost]. You may only use "Hand of the King" once per turn.
■ All 《Hero》 on your field cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.
[Equipment Change]
Flavor Text Only the most esteemed of kings may wield me.