Hellhound Lord, Bolzoye Cobalt Lord

Hellhound Lord, Bolzoye Cobalt Lord

Card No. X-BT03A-UB01/0046EN Card Type Monster
World Dungeon World Attribute Dungeon Enemy / Demon Lord
Size 3 Defense 5000
Critical 2 Power 8000
Ability/Effect ■ [Call Cost] [Put three cards with "Cobalt" in their card names from your drop zone into this card's soul & Pay 3 gauge]
■ 【Act】 Call a monster with "Cobalt" in its card name from this card's soul by paying its [Call Cost]. That card becomes a size 0 until it leaves the field.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]
Flavor Text Filthy humans, don't you dare look down upon us Cobalts!
Illustrator 月見里大樹