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7373 results. [ 1471 - 1480 ]


1 144145146147148149150151152 738

Fifth Omni Divine Arts, Howling Storm!(H-BT01/0026EN)

Fifth Omni Divine Arts, Howling Storm! Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:- Power:- Defense:- Critical:- World:Dragon World Attribute:Dragon
Flavor Text:That is the howl of a ruler that crushes all.
■ You may only cast this card if you have 6 life or less.
■[Cast Cost][Pay 3 gauge]
■ Destroy a card on your opponent's field, and deal 2 damage to your opponent!!


Bash Dragon Emperor, Champion Lord(H-BT01/0027EN)

Bash Dragon Emperor, Champion Lord Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:3 Power:9000 Defense:6000 Critical:2 World:Ancient World Attribute:Raging Spirits
Flavor Text:I'm super bashing!
■[Call Cost][Pay 2 gauge]
■ When an opponent's card attacks, change the target of the attack to this card.
[Double Attack] [Lifelink 2]


Demonic Fairy Dragon, Sorciere(H-BT01/0028EN)

Demonic Fairy Dragon, Sorciere Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:1 Power:4000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Ancient World Attribute:Dragon Lord
Flavor Text:The energy of the enemies defeated, are consumed by that body.
■[Call Cost][Pay 1 gauge]
■ When an attack by this card destroys your opponent's monster, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack].


Dragon Kid, Ricky(H-BT01/0029EN)

Dragon Kid, Ricky Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:0 Power:3000 Defense:3000 Critical:1 World:Ancient World Attribute:Raging Spirits
Flavor Text:Alright, let's have a test of courage!
■ Nullify the [Lifelink] of size 3 《Raging Spirit》 on your field.
[Lifelink 1] (When this card leaves the field, you take damage equal to the Lifelink amount.)


Maximum Manliness! Palm of the Fury Dragon(H-BT01/0030EN)

Maximum Manliness! Palm of the Fury Dragon Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:- Power:- Defense:- Critical:- World:Ancient World Attribute:Raging Spirits
Flavor Text:For that, I'm counting on you!
■ You can only cast this card if you have a size 3 monster on your field.
■[Cast Cost][Pay 3 gauge]
■ Destroy all monsters on your opponent's field, and deal 2 damage to your opponent!


Stellar Deity, Astraeus(H-BT01/0031EN)

Stellar Deity, Astraeus Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:2 Power:6000 Defense:6000 Critical:2 World:Legend World Attribute:Olympus / Star
Flavor Text:Gather, children of the stars. And together, write a new legend.
■[Call Cost][Pay 2 gauge]
■ 《Star》 on your left and right cannot be destroyed.


Dragon Extermination Knight, Siegfried(H-BT01/0032EN)

Dragon Extermination Knight, Siegfried Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:2 Power:4000 Defense:5000 Critical:2 World:Legend world Attribute:Hero
Flavor Text:Dragons are evil creatures…… I shall hunt them down for the peace of everyone.
■[Call Cost][Pay 1 gauge]
■ When this card enters the field, destroy a monster on your opponent's field with "Dragon" in its attribute.


Great Fate, Frozen Stars(H-BT01/0033EN)

Great Fate, Frozen Stars Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:- Power:- Defense:- Critical:- World:Legend world Attribute:Star
Flavor Text:History, has stopped. The world, frozen. For the sake of the new world.
■[Cast Cost][Pay 2 gauge]
■[Set] (This card remains on the field.)
■ If there are 《Star》 on your left and right, nullify all abilities of cards on your opponent's field and in the soul of your opponent's cards
■ The abilities of this card cannot be nullified.
■ You may only set one "Great Fate, Frozen Stars" on our field+.


Buddy Police, Decker Drum(H-BT01/0034EN)

Buddy Police, Decker Drum Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:5000 Critical:3 World:Hero World Attribute:Superhero
Flavor Text:Embrace courage and justice, but crush evil and ambition!
■[Call Cost][Pay 1 gauge]
【Act】 Pay 2 gauge. If you do, destroy a monster on your opponent's field. You may only use this ability once per turn.


Explosive Takedown, Rampage Sonic(H-BT01/0035EN)

Explosive Takedown, Rampage Sonic Expansion:Hundred Booster Pack Vol. 1: Neo Enforcer ver.E
Card Type: Rarity:R Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:3000 Critical:3 World:Hero World Attribute:Superhero
Flavor Text:Super burning speed! Round up all criminals!
[Transform][Pay 1 gauge](If you pay the cost, equip this card from your hand or monster space, and this card is treated as an item instead of a monster.)


1 144145146147148149150151152 738

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