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7373 results. [ 5331 - 5340 ]


1 530531532533534535536537538 738

Notify: Blessed Rain Tactic(S-BT02/0065EN)

Notify: Blessed Rain Tactic Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Star Dragon World Attribute:Astrodragon / Defense
Flavor Text:It's not just for me. This fight is for him as well.
■ You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn, and if you have an 《Astrodragon》 on your field.
■ [Counter] Nullify the attack, and you gain 1 life for each 《Astrodragon》 on your field!


Grandmaster Cane(S-BT02/0066EN)

Grandmaster Cane Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power:5000 Defense: Critical:1 World:Star Dragon World Attribute:Drametal / Weapon
Flavor Text:This is proof of a Grandmaster.
■ [Counter] 【Act】 Choose a 《Drametal》 monster on your field, and you may [Rest] this card. If you do, [Stand] the chosen card. Then, if the card [Stand] is on an oppressed area, deal 1 damage to your opponent!


Endgame Study(S-BT02/0067EN)

Endgame Study Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Star Dragon World Attribute:Drametal
Flavor Text:Can you solve this board? No, of course not!
■ [Cast Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
■ [Stand] all 《Drametal》 on your oppressed areas, and you get another attack phase.

Illustrator:トビ丸 小夏

Vanity Cells(S-BT02/0068EN)

Vanity Cells Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Lost World Attribute:Lostvader / Defense
Flavor Text:Accept… the power.
■ [Counter] Choose and use one of the following two.
・During an attack on your opponent's turn, nullify the attack.
・For this turn, you do not take damage from impact effects!


Gargantua Wind Demon Dragon(S-BT02/0069EN)

Gargantua Wind Demon Dragon Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:AR Size:2 Power:6000 Defense:6000 Critical:2 World:Katana World Attribute:Dragod / Deity Dragon Tribe / Ninja
Flavor Text:Let's go, recruits. Nin!
■ [Call Cost] [Put a card from your drop zone into its soul & Pay 1 gauge]
■ [Counter] 【Act】 "Replicate" Put the top card of your deck face down on the field as a "《Dragod》/size 0/6000 power/6000 defense/2 critical" monster. Then, if this card has a soul with G.EVO, you may put another copy on the field. You may only use this ability once per turn.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Lost World(S-BT02/0070EN)

Lost World Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:AR Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Lost World Attribute:
Flavor Text:-
■ You cannot choose "Lost World" as your initial flag, and all flags may have up to two of this card in the deck.
■ You may use <Lost World> cards. This card gets the abilities of the flag chosen by "Belost".
■ "Belost" At the end of your opponent's turn, choose one of your flags, and you may pay 2 gauge. If you do, put this hand card on top of the chosen card, remove your deck from the fight, shuffle your Lost Deck and put it in the fight. You may only use "Belost" once per fight.


Gargantua Dragon, "Cyclone Mode"(S-BT02/0071EN)

Gargantua Dragon, Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:SEC Size:2 Power:8000 Defense:8000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Dragod / Deity Dragon Tribe
Flavor Text:A whirlwind of attacks worthy of a deity.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ This card cannot be [Rest] by your opponent's card effects.
■ When this card enters the field, destroy a monster on your opponent's field! Then, if it entered by [G.EVO], destroy a monster on your opponent's field!!
[Move] [Triple Attack] [Soulguard]


Nadel Gardra(S-BT02/0072EN)

Nadel Gardra Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:SEC Size:1 Power:3000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe
Flavor Text:What should I foretell? Your odds of victory, perhaps?
■ If you have a 《Dragod》 on your field, this card gets critical+1!
■ When a monster enters your field by [G.EVO], you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, [Stand] this card.


Guardian of Tomes, Gar-Sechster(S-BT02/0073EN)

Guardian of Tomes, Gar-Sechster Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:SEC Size:1 Power:3000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe
Flavor Text:Descendants of Deity Dragon Tribe who protect the tomes inscribed with legends of Combat Deity.
■ During your attack phase, if a monster enters your field by [G.EVO], draw two cards. This ability only activates once per turn.



Gar-Spirit Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 2: Dimension Destroyer
Card Type: Rarity:SEC Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe
Flavor Text:Can you feel it? The deities' will dormant in you!
■ [Counter] Put this card into the soul of a 《Dragod》 on your field.
■ The 《Dragod》 with this card in its soul gets power+3000 and [Penetrate]. Then, if your life is 6 or less, that monster gets critical+1!


1 530531532533534535536537538 738

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