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7373 results. [ 5391 - 5400 ]


1 536537538539540541542543544 738

Treasure Dragon Sword, Dragotreasure(X-BT04A-SS03/0033EN)

Treasure Dragon Sword, Dragotreasure Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power:5000 Defense: Critical:1 World:Dragon World Attribute:Dragon / Weapon
Flavor Text:Treasure sword full of jewels! Gold Find % up!
■ [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ When a monster with "Dragon" in its attribute on your field attacks, draw a card. This ability only activates once per turn.


Dragon Spell, Hiding Bomber(X-BT04A-SS03/0034EN)

Dragon Spell, Hiding Bomber Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Magic World / Dragon World Attribute:Dragon / Destruction
Flavor Text:Kaboom! You fell for it!!
■ You may only cast this card during your opponent's turn.
■ [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ [Counter] Return a monster with 5000 or less defense from the field to hand, or destroy it.


Solomon's Wall(X-BT04A-SS03/0035EN)

Solomon's Wall Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Magic World Attribute:Defense
Flavor Text:"Knowledge is power". Ergo, studying makes you powerful.
■ [Cast Cost] [Put a spell from your drop zone on the bottom of your deck & Pay 1 gauge]
■ [Counter] Choose and use one of the following two.
・For this turn, the next damage dealt to you is reduced to 0.
・[Rest] a monster on your opponent's field.


Dance! Asmodai(X-BT04A-SS03/0036EN)

Dance! Asmodai Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:2 Power:6000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Magic World Attribute:72 Pillars
Flavor Text:I can do ballroom dancing too, you know? Although I have only myself to dance with…
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ When this card enters the field, draw a card.


Nice one!(X-BT04A-SS03/0037EN)

Nice one! Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Magic World Attribute:Magic Power
Flavor Text:We have a distinct advantage thanks to the endeavor of those before us!
■ [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ Draw two cards. You may only cast "Nice one!" once per turn.


Godspeed Sword Draw, Mikazuki Munechika(X-BT04A-SS03/0038EN)

Godspeed Sword Draw, Mikazuki Munechika Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Katana World Attribute:Blade Beast / Japanese Blade
Flavor Text:Move and your head falls. I advise you to stay still.
■ [Call Cost] [Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul & Pay 1 gauge]
■ When this card is destroyed, if you have an item equipped, put the top card of your deck into your gauge, and you gain 1 life!
[Move] [Soulguard]


Clear Serenity(X-BT04A-SS03/0039EN)

Clear Serenity Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Katana World Attribute:Ninja Arts / Demon Way
Flavor Text:Discard all evil thoughts, and wait with a peaceful heart.
■ [Counter] Put the top three cards your deck into your gauge. You may only cast "Clear Serenity" once per turn.


Ninja Arts, Half-kill(X-BT04A-SS03/0040EN)

Ninja Arts, Half-kill Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Katana World Attribute:Ninja Arts
Flavor Text:A brutally honest name.
■ You may only cast this card when your opponent's monsters with [Soulguard] are attacking.
■ [Counter] Nullify the attack, and put all souls from the attacking monsters into the drop zone.


Grand Dragon, Czelzarl(X-BT04A-SS03/0041EN)

Grand Dragon, Czelzarl Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:3 Power:9000 Defense:6000 Critical:3 World:Ancient World Attribute:Wild Dragon
Flavor Text:A dragon the size of a continent that takes one step every thousand years.
■ [Call Cost] [Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul & Pay 2 gauge]
■ [Counter] 【Act】 Choose a monster on your opponent's field, and you may pay 1 life and discard a monster from your hand. If you do, destroy the chosen card. You may only use this ability once per turn.
[Penetrate] [Soulguard] [Lifelink 1]


Invincible Bonds, Ricky & The Raging Spirits(X-BT04A-SS03/0042EN)

Invincible Bonds, Ricky & The Raging Spirits Expansion:X Booster Pack Alternative Vol.4: New World Chaos
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:0 Power:3000 Defense:1000 Critical:1 World:Ancient World Attribute:Raging Spirits
Flavor Text:We will always be big brother's underlings and family… Always!!
■ If you would call a size 3 <Ancient World> monster, the gauge cost written in its [Call Cost] is reduced by 1.
[Lifelink 1]


1 536537538539540541542543544 738

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