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7373 results. [ 5651 - 5660 ]


1 562563564565566567568569570 738

Limitless Dragon, Emperor Shadow Dragon(S-BT01A-UB03/0032EN)

Limitless Dragon, Emperor Shadow Dragon Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:3 Power:5000 Defense:3000 Critical:3 World:Dragon World Attribute:影竜
Flavor Text:What have this vast amount of them gathered for?
■ [Call Cost] [Put this on top of a 《Shadow Dragon》 monster on your field & Put three "Shadow Dragon" from your drop zone into its soul & Pay 3 gauge]
■ At the start of each player's attack phase, you may put two "Shadow Dragon" from your drop zone into this card's soul. If you do, for this turn, all 《Shadow Dragon》 on your field get power+5000, defense+5000, critical+1, [Penetrate] and [Double Attack].
[Soulguard] [Lifelink 3]


Dragon Knight, Cagliostro(S-BT01A-UB03/0033EN)

Dragon Knight, Cagliostro Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:1 Power:1000 Defense:1000 Critical:1 World:Dragon World Attribute:Dragon Knight
Flavor Text:See that?! This is the power of the genius alchemist, Cagliostro!
■ "Eins Alchemy" When this card enters the field, if your flag is "Dragon Ein", draw a card. "Eins Alchemy" only activates once per turn.


Thunder X Assault(S-BT01A-UB03/0034EN)

Thunder X Assault Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Dragon World Attribute:Thunder Empire
Flavor Text:"Go, Chibi Panda!"
"Let's dew it!"

■ [Counter] [Stand] a 《Thunder Empire》 on your field. If you used [Overturn] or [Overthrow] during this fight, [Stand] all cards on your field instead!! You may only cast "Thunder X Assault" once per fight.


Tyrant Elgar Cerberus(S-BT01A-UB03/0035EN)

Tyrant Elgar Cerberus Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:2 Power:9000 Defense:7000 Critical:2 World:Danger World Attribute:Tyrant
Flavor Text:Surge higher and higher. Aim for the pinnacle.
■ [Call Cost] [Put this on top of a monster on your field & Pay 1 gauge]
■ All 《Tyrant》 on your field get power+3000, critical+1 and [Penetrate].
■ When a 《Weapon》 on your field attacks, you gain 2 life! Then, if that 《Weapon》 has 4 or more critical, you gain 3 life!!
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Gate of Ruins - Greed -(S-BT01A-UB03/0036EN)

Gate of Ruins - Greed - Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Danger World Attribute:Executioners
Flavor Text:A place of ruins where even Lord Enma himself does not set foot in.
■ During your main phase, when an 《Executioners》 monster enters your field, if this card is in your drop zone, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, cast this card from the drop zone.
■ [Set] (This card remains on the field)
■ All 《Executioners》 on your field get power+3000 and critical+1, and if your drop zone has twenty-five or more cards, damage you take are reduced to 1.


Phantom Illusionist, Silhouette Joe Illusion(S-BT01A-UB03/0037EN)

Phantom Illusionist, Silhouette Joe Illusion Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:3 Power:9000 Defense:6000 Critical:2 World:Magic World Attribute:Shadow Shade
Flavor Text:The trick is to not do the same trick twice.
■ [Call Cost] [Put a spell from your drop zone into its soul & Pay 2 gauge]
■ Abilities of this card on the field cannot be nullified by your opponent's card effects, and you cannot take damage by card effects.
■ At the start of each player's attack phase, put up to one card from your drop zone into this card's soul, and deal 1 damage to your opponent!
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Resonating Bonds, Licht & Dunkelheit(S-BT01A-UB03/0038EN)

Resonating Bonds, Licht & Dunkelheit Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:4000 Critical:1 World:Magic World Attribute:Wizard
Flavor Text:"We're going, Dunkelheit!"
"You catch up, Licht!"

■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ If you have another originally size 2 or greater 《Wizard》 on your field, this card's size on the field is reduced by 2.
■ At the start of your attack phase, if your drop zone has six or more different 《Wizard》, for this turn, all 《Wizard》 on your field get power+10000, critical+1, [Penetrate] and [Double Attack].


Great Spell, Solution AT(S-BT01A-UB03/0039EN)

Great Spell, Solution AT Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Magic World Attribute:Plague
Flavor Text:A rowdy bunch aren't they…
■ You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn, and if you have a 《Plague》 item on your field.
■ [Counter] Nullify the attack, and put this card into the soul of a 《Plague》 item on your field. Then, if a 《Plague》 item on your field has three or more souls, draw a card.
■ At the start of your turn, if this card is in the soul of a 《Plague》, deal 1 damage to your opponent!


Flash of Purple Arc, Mikazuki-Munechika(S-BT01A-UB03/0040EN)

Flash of Purple Arc, Mikazuki-Munechika Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:2 Power:7000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Katana World Attribute:Blade Beast / Japanese Blade
Flavor Text:Slash!
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ At the start of your attack phase, if your drop zone has three or more different 《Japanese Blade》, all 《Japanese Blade》 on your field get [Penetrate] and [Double Attack]. Then, if five or more, for this turn, all 《Japanese Blade》 on your field get power+5000 and critical+2!
[Move] [Soulguard]


Soarspeed Moonglow, Byakuya(S-BT01A-UB03/0041EN)

Soarspeed Moonglow, Byakuya Expansion:S Booster Pack Alternative Vol. 1: Buddy Lineage
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:1 Power:5000 Defense:1000 Critical:1 World:Katana World Attribute:Ninja
Flavor Text:I shall display my brand of justice too!
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 life]
■ [Counter] 【Act】 You may drop a 《Ninja Arts》 from your hand. If you do, [Stand] this card.
■ "Shadow Dive" This card can attack your opponent even if they have monsters on the center!
■ If this card is on your field or in the soul of a 《Ninja》 monster, all 《Ninja》 on your field cannot be destroyed by your opponent's card effects.


1 562563564565566567568569570 738

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