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Search Results

7373 results. [ 5741 - 5750 ]


1 571572573574575576577578579 738

Revolution of Red(S-BT03/0056EN)

Revolution of Red Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Magic Attribute:Wizardry / Fire
Flavor Text:World steeped in crimson red
This world dulled with darkness
Come on, Revolution…

■ The gauge cost written in this card's [Cast Cost] is reduced by 1 for each different 《Fire》 in your drop zone.
■ [Cast Cost] [Pay 5 gauge]
■ [Counter] Destroy up to two cards on your opponent's field!


Wings of Revolt(S-BT03/0057EN)

Wings of Revolt Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Magic Attribute:Wizardry / Fire
Flavor Text:Catharsis of the heart shall guide me
Start the revolt, start the revolt

■ You may only cast this card if you have a 《Mystic Knight》 on your field.
■ Draw a card, and choose and use one of the following two. You may only cast "Wings of Revolt" once per turn.
・For this turn, all 《Mystic Knight》 on your field get power+6000!
・[Counter] For this turn, all 《Mystic Knight》 on your field get defense+6000!


Deep Blaze Singularity(S-BT03/0058EN)

Deep Blaze Singularity Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Magic Attribute:Fire / Defense
Flavor Text:Even if covered in sin
I would still pine for you
That is my unique singularity point

■ You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
■ [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ [Counter] Nullify the attack. Then, if you have a 《Mystic Knight》 on your field, for this turn, all cards on your opponent's field get power-3000!


Magic Guitar, Kinari(S-BT03/0059EN)

Magic Guitar, Kinari Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power:4000 Defense: Critical:1 World:Magic Attribute:Mystic Knight / Weapon
Flavor Text:All who hear phrases played by this will end up giddy with pleasure.
■ This card can attack even if you have a 《Mystic Knight》 monster on your center.
■ If this card's power is 7000 or greater, it gets critical+1 and its attacks cannot be nullified if it is attacking alone!


Slowly, Gryhunme(S-BT03/0060EN)

Slowly, Gryhunme Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:1 Power:3000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Ancient Attribute:Linkdragon Order
Flavor Text:I'm hungry~
Shall I just scamper off somewhere~

■ When this card enters the field, if you have another 《Linkdragon Order》 on your field, you gain 2 life!
[D. Share]
[D] This card's power and critical cannot be reduced by your opponent's card effects.


Champion's Armor, "Goldsteel"(S-BT03/0061EN)

Champion's Armor, Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power:5000 Defense: Critical:2 World:Ancient Attribute:MAX Dragon / Weapon
Flavor Text:Strongest power with the best equipment. End of story.
■ [Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Pay 1 life]
■ This card can attack even if you have a 《MAX Dragon》 on your center.
■ When this card attacks, if you have a 《MAX Dragon》 monster on your field, for this turn, this card gets [Double Attack].


Subaru's Day Off(S-BT03/0062EN)

Subaru's Day Off Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Star Dragon Attribute:Astrodragon / Recovery / Charge
Flavor Text:A moment of bliss for the ace of studies.
■ If you have an 《Astrodragon》 on your left, you gain 3 life, and if you have an 《Astrodragon》 on your right, put the top three cards of your deck into your gauge!


Astroformation, Astellasion(S-BT03/0063EN)

Astroformation, Astellasion Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Star Dragon Attribute:Astrodragon / Defense
Flavor Text:Calm down. The attacks may look powerful, but they will probably miss.
■ You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn, and if you have an 《Astrodragon》 on your field.
■ [Counter] Nullify the attack, and put the top card of your deck into your gauge for each 《Astrodragon》 on your field.


Suppression Advantage(S-BT03/0064EN)

Suppression Advantage Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Star Dragon Attribute:Drametal
Flavor Text:Keep your opponent down and you will gain the upper hand. It's only natural.
■ You may only cast this card if you have a 《Drametal》 on your field.
■ [Counter] Put the top three cards of your deck into your gauge. Then, if you have an oppressed area, destroy a spell or item on your opponent's field. You may only cast "Suppression Advantage" once per turn.


Skyseer Ardent Dragon, Cross Farnese Astrologia(S-BT03/0065EN)

Skyseer Ardent Dragon, Cross Farnese Astrologia Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 3: True Awakening of Deities
Card Type: Rarity:AR Size:2 Power:6000 Defense:6000 Critical:2 World:Star Dragon Attribute:Astrodragon
Flavor Text:I can still assist you. Limits are meant to be broken.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ [Galaxy F] If this card is on your center, all of the following abilities activate.
・If you have a size 1 《Astrodragon》 on your left, all cards on your opponent's field get power-5000!
・If you have a size 1 《Astrodragon》 on your right, all cards on your field get [Penetrate] and power+5000!
・If you have an 《Astrodragon》 item equipped, all cards on your field cannot be [Rest] by your opponent's card effects, and they get defense+3000!
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


1 571572573574575576577578579 738

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