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7373 results. [ 6041 - 6050 ]


1 601602603604605606607608609 738

Gargantua Lost Dragon(S-BT04/0077EN)

Gargantua Lost Dragon Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:SECRET Size: Power:17000 Defense:9000 Critical:3 World:Lost World Attribute:Lostvader / Dragod / Deity Dragon Tribe
Flavor Text:G W A R… P O W E R… M O R E!!!
■ [Call Cost] [Put a card from your drop zone into its soul & Pay 2 gauge]
■ [Counter] 【Act】 During your turn, call up to one 《Lostvader》 monster from your hand on top of this card by paying its [Call Cost].
■ If this card is in the soul of a monster, that monster gets [Soulguard].
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Lost Cross Astrologia(S-BT04/0078EN)

Lost Cross Astrologia Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:SECRET Size: Power:16000 Defense:10000 Critical:3 World:Lost World Attribute:Lostvader / Astrodragon
Flavor Text:Dreams? Hopes? Irrelevant! For all will be returned to the Nihility.
■ [Call Cost] [Put a card from your drop zone into its soul & Pay 2 gauge]
■ If three or more 《Lostvader》 are on your field, all cards on your field get critical+2, [Penetrate] and [Counterattack].
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Lost Thunderaxe, Agito(S-BT04/0079EN)

Lost Thunderaxe, Agito Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:SECRET Size: Power:16000 Defense:8000 Critical:3 World:Lost World Attribute:Lostvader / Linkdragon Order
Flavor Text:Links? Only as strong as the weakest link!
■ [Call Cost] [Put a card from your drop zone into its soul & Pay 2 gauge]
■ At the start of your attack phase, for this turn, all 《Lostvader》 on your field get [Triple Attack].
[Penetrate] [Soulguard]


Dimension Gate(S-BT04/0080EN)

Dimension Gate Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:SECRET Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Lost World Attribute:Lostvader / Defense
Flavor Text:I'll send that to the furthest ends of Nihility.
■ You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn.
■ [Counter] Nullify the attack, and put an attacking card into the drop zone.


Gargantua Knight Dragon(S-BT04/BR01EN)

Gargantua Knight Dragon Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:BR Size:2 Power:10000 Defense:3000 Critical:2 World: Attribute:Dragod / Deity Dragon Tribe
Flavor Text:Buddy who pulled me, my power is yours to wield!
[Dragod] (You may use this card with all flags)
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ [G.BOOST-Base-] At the start of your attack phase, for this turn, all cards on your field get power+1000000! Then, if another 《Deity Dragon Tribe》 is on your field, for this turn, all 《Deity Dragon Tribe》 on your field get critical+2 and [Penetrate].
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Vile Demonic Husk Deity Dragon, Vanity End Destroyer(S-BT04/BR02EN)

Vile Demonic Husk Deity Dragon, Vanity End Destroyer Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:BR Size: Power:70000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Lost World Attribute:Lostvader / Dimension Dragon
Flavor Text:The one who drew me… Become the fuel to my vengeance.
■ You may only call "Vile Demonic Husk Deity Dragon, Vanity End Destroyer" once per fight.
■ [Call Cost] [If you have one or more hand cards, put all of them face down into its soul]
■ When this card enters the field, put your entire deck face down into its soul.
■ You cannot lose the fight, this card on the field cannot have its abilities nullified or its souls dropped by your opponent's card effects.
■ "Dimension Door - Desist -" At the start of each player's turn, put a soul from this card into your hand.
[Triple Attack] [Soulguard] [Lifelink Lose]


Gargantua Knight Dragon(S-BT04/S001EN)

Gargantua Knight Dragon Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:SP Size:2 Power:10000 Defense:3000 Critical:2 World: Attribute:Dragod / Deity Dragon Tribe
Flavor Text:"We can still get stronger. Garga!"
"You said it, Yuga!"

[Dragod] (You may use this card with all flags)
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ [G.BOOST-Base-] At the start of your attack phase, for this turn, all cards on your field get power+1000000! Then, if another 《Deity Dragon Tribe》 is on your field, for this turn, all 《Deity Dragon Tribe》 on your field get critical+2 and [Penetrate].
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Skyseer Ardent Dragon, Cross Irisnese Astrologia(S-BT04/S002EN)

Skyseer Ardent Dragon, Cross Irisnese Astrologia Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:SP Size:2 Power:6000 Defense:6000 Critical:2 World:Star Dragon World Attribute:Astrodragon
Flavor Text:"That went exactly to how we predicted, Subaru."
"You won this fight for us, Cross."

■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ [Galaxy F] If this card is on your center, all of the following abilities activate.
・If an 《Astrodragon》 is on your left, this card and your left 《Astrodragon》 get defense+10000!
・If an 《Astrodragon》 is on your right, this card and your right 《Astrodragon》 get critical+2!
・If you have an 《Astrodragon》 item equipped, this card and your item get power+10000!
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Thunderpeak Spiral Linkaxe, King Agito(S-BT04/S003EN)

Thunderpeak Spiral Linkaxe, King Agito Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:SP Size:3 Power:8000 Defense:8000 Critical:3 World:Ancient World Attribute:Linkdragon Order
Flavor Text:"Agito! You ready to rumble?"
"I'm born ready, Masato!"

■ [Call Cost] [Put it on top of a 《Linkdragon Order》 monster on your field & Pay 2 gauge]
■ [Counter] 【Act】 Call this card from your hand by paying its [Call Cost].
■ [Spiral D-Share] This card gets all the [D] of [D-Share] in its soul
[Soulguard] [D-Share]

Illustrator:末冨 正直

Vile Demonic Husk Deity Dragon, Vanity End Destroyer(S-BT04/S004EN)

Vile Demonic Husk Deity Dragon, Vanity End Destroyer Expansion:S Booster Pack Vol. 4: Drago Knight
Card Type: Rarity:SP Size: Power:70000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Lost World Attribute:Lostvader / Dimension Dragon
Flavor Text:"Vanish!"
"They shall be buried in the perpetuity of Nihility."

■ You may only call "Vile Demonic Husk Deity Dragon, Vanity End Destroyer" once per fight.
■ [Call Cost] [If you have one or more hand cards, put all of them face down into its soul]
■ When this card enters the field, put your entire deck face down into its soul.
■ You cannot lose the fight, this card on the field cannot have its abilities nullified or its souls dropped by your opponent's card effects.
■ "Dimension Door - Desist -" At the start of each player's turn, put a soul from this card into your hand.
[Triple Attack] [Soulguard] [Lifelink Lose]


1 601602603604605606607608609 738

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