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7373 results. [ 781 - 790 ]


1 757677787980818283 738

Buddyfighters Without Limits(S-PR/106EN)

Buddyfighters Without Limits Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Dragon World / Star Dragon World Attribute:Thunder Empire / Star
Flavor Text:Gao: "It's been a long time since our last fight, Tasuku!"
Tasuku: "You haven't changed a bit, Gao. Now, let the fight begin!"

■ You may use this card with all flags.
■ When this card is dropped from your hand by your opponent's card effect, draw two cards, and for this turn, your hand cards cannot be dropped by your opponent's card effects.
■ 【Counter】 Choose and use one of the following two.
• You gain 3 life!
• For this turn, a monster on your opponent's field gets critical-2!


Magma Horus "SD" & Freeza Horus "SD"(S-PR/107EN)

Magma Horus Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:0 Power:2000 Defense:2000 Critical:2 World:Legend World Attribute:Dragod / Legend Dragon / Fire / Water
Flavor Text:"I want to relax a bit more..."
"Whew! I want to fight as soon as possible!"

■ When this card is dropped from your hand, you may put a size 1 《Dragod》 from your drop zone into your hand.
■ When this card attacks, if you buddy called during this fight, for this turn, this card gets [Triple Attack]. This ability only activates once per turn.


Metal Droid: Pawn X Rook(S-PR/108EN)

Metal Droid: Pawn X Rook Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:1 Power:5000 Defense:4000 Critical:2 World:Star Dragon World Attribute:Drametal
Flavor Text:They've discovered a new possibility of strength: "Fusion".
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ 【Counter】【Act】 "Oppress" During your turn, you may pay 1 gauge. If you do, put this card on your opponent's open left or right. If this card is on that area, it becomes an oppressed area.
■ When this card attacks and destroys a monster on your opponent's field, [Stand] this card.
[Penetrate] [Soulguard]


Sun Fist, Sunshine Impact(EB01/0001EN)

Sun Fist, Sunshine Impact Expansion:Extra Booster Pack Vol. 1: Immortal Entities
Card Type: Rarity:RRR Size: Power:6000 Defense: Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Weapon
Flavor Text:A sun burns brightly in everyone's hearts.
■[Equip Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ When this card link attacks with your Buddy Monster, for this turn, this card's power becomes ∞(infinite). (∞(infinite) is larger than any number even if a number is added or subtracted.)


Duel Sieger "Tempest Enforcer"(EB01/0002EN)

Duel Sieger Expansion:Extra Booster Pack Vol. 1: Immortal Entities
Card Type: Rarity:RRR Size:3 Power:12000 Defense:12000 Critical:3 World:Ancient World Attribute:Dragon Lord
Flavor Text:His victory is assured, even when going up against the entire galaxy.
■[Call Cost] [When a "Duel Sieger "Spartand"" on your field is destroyed, nullify the Life Link of "Duel Sieger "Spartand"" & Pay 3 gauge]
[Penetrate] [Triple Attack] [Lifelink Lose] (When this card leaves the field, you lose the game.)


Dragon Knight, Richard(EB01/0003EN)

Dragon Knight, Richard Expansion:Extra Booster Pack Vol. 1: Immortal Entities
Card Type: Rarity:RR Size:2 Power:4000 Defense:4000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Dragon Knight
Flavor Text:I can't stand peace.
■ "King of Knights" If you have four or more different 《Dragon Knight》 in the drop zone, this card gets power+4000 and defense+4000!


Dimensional Demonic Dragon, Ladis the Tyrant(EB01/0004EN)

Dimensional Demonic Dragon, Ladis the Tyrant Expansion:Extra Booster Pack Vol. 1: Immortal Entities
Card Type: Rarity:RR Size:3 Power:7000 Defense:6000 Critical:3 World:Ancient World Attribute:Dragon Lord / Wild Dragon
Flavor Text:
■[Call Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
■[Counter] 【Act】 You may discard a 《Wild Dragon》 from your hand. If you do, use one of the following abilities.
・Pay 2 life, and during this turn, the next time this card would be destroyed, this card remains on the field!
・Pay 2 gauge, and nullify your opponent's spell.
[Double Attack]


Fortune Dragon, Forbolka(EB01/0005EN)

Fortune Dragon, Forbolka Expansion:Extra Booster Pack Vol. 1: Immortal Entities
Card Type: Rarity:RR Size:1 Power:4000 Defense:5000 Critical:0 World:Ancient World Attribute:Dragon Lord / Light
Flavor Text:Look up, and happiness shall descend upon you.
■【Act】If you have a size 3 monster on the field, you may discard this card from your hand. If you do, put two cards from the top of your deck into your gauge.
[Lifelink 1]


Evil Crusher, Steel Dragon Barrage!(EB01/0006EN)

Evil Crusher, Steel Dragon Barrage! Expansion:Extra Booster Pack Vol. 1: Immortal Entities
Card Type: Rarity:RR Size:- Power:- Defense:- Critical:- World:Ancient World Attribute:Dragon
Flavor Text:Down with injustice, destroy all evil! Powerless justice is just plain nonsense!
■[Cast Cost] [Pay 3 gauge]
■ You may only cast this card if you have a size 3 monster on your field, and your opponent has no monsters on the field.
■ Deal 4 damage to your opponent!!


Divine Dragon Creation(EB01/0007EN)

Divine Dragon Creation Expansion:Extra Booster Pack Vol. 1: Immortal Entities
Card Type: Rarity:RR Size:- Power:- Defense:- Critical:- World:Ancient World Attribute:Dragon
Flavor Text:Advice! Do not be afraid to pay life points! The power gained from the cards drawn shall be more valuable than the life points lost!
■[Cast Cost] [Pay 2 life]
■ Draw two cards. You may only cast "Divine Dragon Creation" once per turn.


1 757677787980818283 738

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