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Search Results

7373 results. [ 971 - 980 ]


1 949596979899100101102 738

Fire Streak Ninja, Gokuen(BT03/0094EN)

Fire Streak Ninja, Gokuen Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:1 Power:2000 Defense:5000 Critical:1 World:Katana World Attribute:Ninja
Flavor Text:Surviving is my job!
■[Counter][Act]"Flame Barrier" You may discard a 《Ninja》 from your hand. If you do, for this turn, this card gets defense+3000.

Illustrator:GOD TAIL

Leaping Ninja, Sarutobi(BT03/0095EN)

Leaping Ninja, Sarutobi Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:1 Power:2000 Defense:2000 Critical:1 World:Katana World Attribute:Ninja
Flavor Text:You should try jumping sometimes. It's a great view!
■[Act] You may pay 1 gauge and put this card into the drop zone. If you do, put one spell on the field into the drop zone.


Skull Golem, Mazubaha(BT03/0096EN)

Skull Golem, Mazubaha Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:2 Power:6000 Defense:5000 Critical:2 World:Dungeon World Attribute:Dungeon Enemy / Construct
Flavor Text:Construct Monster. Something which is created.


Doberman, Cobalt(BT03/0097EN)

Doberman, Cobalt Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:3000 Critical:3 World:Dungeon World Attribute:Dungeon Enemy
Flavor Text:Tosa Hound Cobalt…...leave this to me


Gummy Slime(BT03/0098EN)

Gummy Slime Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:1 Power:2000 Defense:3000 Critical:2 World:Dungeon World Attribute:Dungeon Enemy
Flavor Text:It's classified as a fruit despite the appearance. Seems to be edible.
■ "Stuck" All opponent monsters on the field cannot [Move], or return to hand.


Scout, Criticizing Kirwa(BT03/0099EN)

Scout, Criticizing Kirwa Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:1 Power:2000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Dungeon World Attribute:Adventurer / Thief / Team GM
Flavor Text:The criticizing role of Team GM. Being able to criticize just makes his day.
■ "Back Slash" When this card link attacks with another 《Adventurer》, put a card from the soul of your opponent's monster under attack into the drop zone.


Fate Skeleton(BT03/0100EN)

Fate Skeleton Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:0 Power:3000 Defense:3000 Critical:1 World:Dungeon World Attribute:Dungeon Enemy / Undead
Flavor Text:Those individual skeletons had their own stories.


Staff of Monster Master, Alerta(BT03/0101EN)

Staff of Monster Master, Alerta Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size: Power:0 Defense: Critical:0 World:Dungeon World Attribute:Staff
Flavor Text:My underlings, let's have a big welcome for those ignorant fools!
■[Equip Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
■[Counter][Act]You may [Rest] this card. If you do, choose a 《Dungeon Enemy》 in battle, and for this battle, give it power+2000, defense+2000, and [Counterattack].


Actor Knights Justice(BT03/0102EN)

Actor Knights Justice Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:2000 Critical:2 World:Generic Attribute:Tarot
Flavor Text:Not everyone will believe in your sense of justice. That's why we need law and order.


Actor Knights Empress(BT03/0103EN)

Actor Knights Empress Expansion:Booster Pack Vol. 3: Drum’s Adventures
Card Type: Rarity:C Size:1 Power:2000 Defense:4000 Critical:1 World:Generic Attribute:Tarot
Flavor Text:No conflict, greed or bias. A beautiful and balanced world. However, that was just an illusion created by the Empress.


1 949596979899100101102 738

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