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7373 results. [ 681 - 690 ]


1 656667686970717273 738

Autodeity Army Pro, CHAOS Gao(PR/0338EN)

Autodeity Army Pro, CHAOS Gao Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:3 Power:7000 Defense:4000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Autodeity Army / Dragon / Chaos
Flavor Text:Autodeity Army is but a tool to get rid of Thunder Empire.
■ [Call Cost] [Put the top card of your deck into this card's soul & Pay 1 gauge]
■ When another 《Autodeity Army》 monster enters your field, you gain 1 life, and for this turn, this card gets [Penetrate]. This ability only activates once per turn.


Garga "SD"(S-PR/001EN)

Garga Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:1 Power:3000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe / Dragod
Flavor Text:Glad you came, kid!
■ You may use this card with all flags.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ When this card enters the field, put up to one size 2 or greater 《Dragod》 monster from your drop zone into your hand.


Deity Green Dragon Shield(S-PR/002EN)

Deity Green Dragon Shield Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Dragon World Attribute:Green Dragon / Defense
Flavor Text:A splendid fight! Even the Deity of Combat himself will be proud of the way you fought!
■ You may only cast this card during an attack on your opponent's turn, if you have no monsters on your center, and you have a 《Deity Dragon Tribe》 on your field.
■ [Counter] Nullify the attack, and you gain 3 life!


Gung Gardra(S-PR/003EN)

Gung Gardra Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:1 Power:15000 Defense:0 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe
Flavor Text:My spear penetrates all!
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ If you do not have an item equipped, this card gets power-10000!
[Penetrate] [Soulguard]


Gargantua Dragon, "Crush Mode"(S-PR/004EN)

Gargantua Dragon, Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:2 Power:8000 Defense:6000 Critical:3 World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe / Dragod
Flavor Text:None have stood before the Deity of Combat's overwhelming presence.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ When this card enters the field, destroy a monster on your opponent's field! If it entered by [G.EVO], destroy a card on your opponent's field instead.


Shining Cross Astrologia(S-PR/005EN)

Shining Cross Astrologia Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:4000 Critical:2 World:Star Dragon World Attribute:Astrodragon
Flavor Text:The shiny path to victory.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ [Galaxy F] When a card on your field attacks, if you have a monster on your center and left, and an item equipped, you gain 1 life!
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Rising Thundercry, Agito(S-PR/006EN)

Rising Thundercry, Agito Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:1 Power:5000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Ancient World Attribute:Linkdragon Order
Flavor Text:When he was in Brutedragon Order, there was not a day he did not fight.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
[D-Share] (All cards with [D-Share] on your field get the following [D])
[D] When this card attacks, destroy a monster on your opponent's field.


Little Deity, Garga "SD"(S-PR/007EN)

Little Deity, Garga Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:1 Power:3000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe / Dragod
Flavor Text:A deity's powers is not restricted by his size.
■ You may use this card with all flags.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ When this card enters the field, if you have another 《Deity Dragon Tribe》 on your field, destroy all monsters on your opponent's field.

Illustrator:?Aibo Academy 2018 / Aichi Television

Deity Dragon Illusory Ice Blades(S-PR/008EN)

Deity Dragon Illusory Ice Blades Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe / Destruction
Flavor Text:These ice blades embedded with the Deity of Combat's battle spirit never miss their marks.
■ You may only cast this card if you have a 《Dragod》 on your field.
■ [Counter] Destroy a monster on your opponent's field, and if you do, deal 1 damage to your opponent!


Govern Dragon, Baton(S-PR/009EN)

Govern Dragon, Baton Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:1 Power:3000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Star Dragon World Attribute:Astrodragon
Flavor Text:Beyond the guidance of stars and science lies what I seek.
■ When this card enters on the left, put the top card of your deck into your gauge, and you gain 1 life. Then, if you have an 《Astrodragon》 on your center, you gain 2 life!


1 656667686970717273 738

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