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Search Results

7373 results. [ 711 - 720 ]


1 686970717273747576 738

Grandmaster Cane(S-PR/030EN)

Grandmaster Cane Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size: Power:5000 Defense: Critical:1 World:Star Dragon World Attribute:Drametal / Weapon
Flavor Text:The is proof… you went to CharaExpo 2018.
■ [Counter] 【Act】 Choose a 《Drametal》 monster on your field, and you may [Rest] this card. If you do, [Stand] the chosen card. Then, if the card [Stand] is on an oppressed area, deal 1 damage to your opponent!


Crazed Girl Deity, Gothiris(S-PR/031EN)

Crazed Girl Deity, Gothiris Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:1 Power:6000 Defense:2000 Critical:2 World:Danger World Attribute:Godpunk
Flavor Text:CharaExpo 2018? Ah, yeah, that event was pretty cray, huh.
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 opponent's gauge]
■ Your opponent cannot call monsters from the drop zone.
■ When this card attacks, if your opponent has 1 or less gauge, your opponent chooses and drops a hand card.


Drum Bunker Dragon "2018"(S-PR/032EN)

Drum Bunker Dragon Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:2 Power:7000 Defense:5000 Critical:3 World:Dragon World Attribute:Armordragon / Red Dragon
Flavor Text:Hey, how was your 2018?
■ [Call Cost] [Put this on top of a monster on your field & Put the top card of your deck into its soul & Pay 1 gauge]
■ When a card on your opponent's field attacks, you may destroy this card. If you do, nullify the attack.
[Penetrate] [Soulguard]

Illustrator:Design:なかざき冬 / Illust:DaisukeIzuka

Demon Lord Dragon, Batzz "2018"(S-PR/033EN)

Demon Lord Dragon, Batzz Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:2 Power:7000 Defense:4000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Thunder Empire / Dragon
Flavor Text:Not as electrifying as mine, I bet!
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 2 gauge]
■ During your turn, this card on the field cannot be destroyed.
■ If your life is 4 or less, this card's attacks cannot be nullified if it is attacking alone!
[Triple Attack]

Illustrator:Design:安達洋介、田村光久 / Illust:安達洋介

Sun Dragon, Bal Dragon "2018"(S-PR/034EN)

Sun Dragon, Bal Dragon Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:3000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Sun Dragon
Flavor Text:Someday, I will be a dragon that blazes like the sun, bal!
■ At the start of your final phase, call up to one 《Sun Dragon》 monster from your drop zone by paying its [Call Cost].

Illustrator:Design:なかざき冬、田村光久 / Illust:なかざき冬

Jackknife Dragon "2018"(S-PR/035EN)

Jackknife Dragon Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:6000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Armordragon / Green Dragon
Flavor Text:My gratitude and salutation to all who never stopped fighting!
■ [Call Cost] [Put this on top of up to one monster on your field]
■ If you have an item with 6000 or greater power equipped, this card's size on the field is reduced by 2.
■ When an item on your field attacks, you gain 1 life!


Wehr Dragon(S-PR/036EN)

Wehr Dragon Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:2 Power:7000 Defense:1000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Deity Dragon Tribe / Red Dragon
Flavor Text:Become the dragon that vanquishes evil souls!
■ [Call Cost] [Pay 1 gauge & Put the top card of your deck into its soul]
■ This card's attacks cannot be nullified if it is attacking alone!
■ When this card enters the field, for this turn, nullify all abilities of a card on your opponent's field.
[Double Attack] [Soulguard]


Buddy Block!(S-PR/037EN)

Buddy Block! Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Generic Attribute:Defense / Buddy
Flavor Text:A buddy is one who is always with you.
■ [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ [Counter] Choose and use one of the following two.
・For this turn, the next damage you take is reduced by 3.
・If your opponent's cards attacked four times or more during this turn, for this turn, you will not take damage from attacks.


† Soot Shackles † Black Chain(S-PR/038EN)

† Soot Shackles † Black Chain Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size:2 Power:5000 Defense:3000 Critical:2 World:Dragon World Attribute:Dragonblood Sect
Flavor Text:Ensnare, my chains of blackness!
■ 【Act】 Put this card from your hand into the soul of a 《Dragonblood Sect》 monster on your field. If you do, draw a card.
■ If this card is in the soul of a 《Dragonblood Sect》, damage you take are reduced by 1.


Vanity Destruct Vanish(S-PR/039EN)

Vanity Destruct Vanish Expansion:Promotional Cards
Card Type: Rarity:PR Size: Power: Defense: Critical: World:Lost World Attribute:Lostvader
Flavor Text:Make everything vanish! Vanity Husk Destroyer!
■ [Cast Cost] [Pay 1 gauge]
■ [Stand] a 《Lostvader》 on your field, and for this turn, that card gets critical+5 and [Penetrate]. Then, attack with that card.


1 686970717273747576 738

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