

Booster pack

Extra pack / Extra booster

Trial deck

PR card


Trial deck - Ace Trial Deck Vol. 2: Legend of Double Horus

Card No. Card Name Card Type World Q&A
S-TD02/0001EN Legendary Flame Deity, Magma Horus Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0002EN Legendary Ice Deity, Freeza Horus Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0003EN High Priest of Harvest, Mosone Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0004EN Warrior of Zeal, Terias Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0005EN Breeze Bearer, Garaig Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0006EN Wandering Merchant, Otta Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0007EN Devoting Mummy Maker, Jutha Laash Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0008EN Valkyrie, All-knowing Alwidol Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0009EN Wyrmling of The Rocks, Risha Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0010EN -Inheritance of Honor- Taara Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0011EN Darghner le Bark Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0012EN Fire and Ice Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0013EN Yngl Gard Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0014EN Frozen Circulation Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0015EN Ahraamic Red Hot Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0016EN Eluned's Ring Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0017EN Staff of Mathaf Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0018EN Sceptre of Midan Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0019EN -Judgment of Ice and Flame- Da Awa Hajuma Legend World ≫ Q&A
S-TD02/0020EN Legend World Legend World ≫ Q&A

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